Chimera Ranch

Where Excellence in Alpaca Fleece and Conformation is a lifestyle

Jan 2012

A great start to the year; Chimera Ranch Attended the Priority Auction in Las Vegas; A great time to meet new friends and see familiar faces. We bid on several lots, but did not win; We sold more Nuno Felted Scarves; we are having a great time with this luxury fleece and the products they make. Finished our first woven scarf as well. Lifecompounded is doing well. it has grown almost 500% since it inception 1 Nov 2011; Really looking forward to how this subsidary will help the financial future of the ranch program. The snow mass genetics are coming to Phx in Feb so looking forward to that event. Our black girl Happy Hour will be having her cria at the beginning of March; Looking forward to that big event as well. Michealangelo is the sire; All is still on target for a move to Colorado in Sept 2012;