Chimera Ranch

Where Excellence in Alpaca Fleece and Conformation is a lifestyle

Feb 2012

What a month Feb 2012 was; The SWRAS event was a very good event and well attended. The Snowmass Auction was to die for. Great alpacas for sale; Great friends in attendance; surpassed 500% in growth since it started. We have started to evaluate fodder systems to augment the hay used on the farm. Many great options out there for consideration. Feb 29 2012; Chimera's Cocotini enters the world....can not wait for her to begin maturing... Progress on the move continues... so much junk to purge from the items we brought from Maine and then the items we have collected over the years in AZ... We are sure we will take too much with us to CO, but one will never know till the next move.. The best thing we have ever done... Our God is an awesome God and we are so blessed.