Chimera Ranch

Where Excellence in Alpaca Fleece and Conformation is a lifestyle

May 2012

Got Milk??  Cocotini at 1 week old

Got Milk?? Cocotini at 1 week old

Momma's newest prize

Momma's newest prize

Well, spring has come and gone and summer is upon us. We had a great time at the Small Breeder challenge and the Futurity Auction in Apr; GWAS 2012 was fantastic; A a great show and Norm really enjoyed the time in the Ring as a steward with the Judges. We have made progress on our move to Colorado; More furniture is there... an office is prepared, walls to segment out a working fleece room are up; the joists for the deck expansion required to enable Sandra's dogs to come and go are up.... the JD Gator is on the property and ready to go. Completing the deck building, shearing on 24 May 2012 are the goals for our vacation time in CO 21 May - 26 May; New Cria will be on their way in Jun; Breeding plans for 2013 cria are finalized... In July, we will be back to CO and focus on the fencing and electrical needs... to enable the migration of the alpacas to their new home in the fall... is the best income producing opportunity we have ever ventured into... 1500% growth since Nov 2011... unbelievable...